Our Story

Built on passion and ingenuity

In 2000 NASA was planning the launch of the Mars Odyssey mission and realized that the mission was going to generate 4 terabytes of data, or the same amount of data that had been stored from all of NASA’s previous missions. And since NASA made mission data available on CD-ROMs it was going to cost approximately $3 million to store the data.

Luckily a team of JPL scientists had been working on this particular problem for a couple of years and had recently published a paper, Science Search and Retrieval using XML<https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/32b4/3e7f1d4d907c5c555dcdfa9673a31522b5cb.pdf> based on their research on creating a distributed, on-line architecture for data storage and retrieval.

That research eventually  became the backbone for The Planetary Data System at NASA. It also become the backbone for the NCI’ s Early Detection Research Network (EDRN)  bringing together dozens of institutions doing research on cancer bio-markers.

This Object Oriented Data Technology (OODT) was the first project from NASA and JPL  to be stewarded by the Apache Open Source Foundation.  The Parana platform-as-a-service uses OODT as the basis for constructing a data science ecosystem to support your research needs, Make an appointment today to talk to one of our data scientists to talk about how we can help you solve your big data problems.